Accessibility Rating Explanation
Accessible travel is all we do! We have personally visited and researched accessibility in well over 150+ cities throughout Europe and the Caribbean. We understand that accessibility needs can vary greatly from person to person. Consequently, we have created the ATS Accessibility Rating System so that you can easily know if a tour meets your accessibility needs.
On each accessible tour listed on our website, you will see the accessibility rating on the picture for the specific tour. Based on our experience, research and expertise, we found that most European and Caribbean tourist attractions can generally be classified into 5 different categories based on accessibility ease. The categories are as follows:
We do not currently offer any 1 star rated accessible tours. Tours in this category would involve a flight of stairs.
A 2 star accessibility rating means that there are certain challenges that make it less suitable for certain types of disabled travelers. Wheelchair users who can get up a few steps as well as slow walkers will be able to enjoy a tour with a 2 rating. For the most part, the tours in this category offer level access, ramp or elevator but there may be a few steps involved.
Accessible tours with a 3 star rating are suitable for disabled travelers with full use of their upper body (paraplegics). Step-free tour routes may include ramps and elevators will be there to assist the mobility equipment user. In few instances, the tour can include short distances of cobblestones or have slightly sloped routes. Attraction entrances are wide enough for manual wheelchairs and so are the doors to the accessible bathrooms. Vehicles used for these tours may require a wheelchair user to transfer into a vehicle seat.
A 4 star accessibility rating indicates that the tour is suitable for disabled travelers with limited arm/hand use or strength. These tours have all the accessibility features of a 3 star tour including step-free routes. If a vehicle is used during the tour, the vehicle has a lift or ramp. Wheelchair users and mobility scooters can remain seated on their mobility equipment.
A 5 star ATS rating is our top accessibility rating! These tours are suitable for most disabled travelers, including travelers with no arm/hand use (quadriplegics). They have all the accessibility features of a 4 star accessible tour, plus short distances to walk/roll, minimal cobblestones, and minimal hills.